Dear Friends and Colleagues,
Welcome to the July issue of The TechnicalCounsel(sm) News, our consulting practice's quarterly newsletter.
In this issue:
Speeches at Interex’s HPWorld 2005 on OpenVMS Topics
At HPWorld 2005 Mr. Gezelter will present three sessions
on OpenVMS-related topics:
- OpenVMS on Integrity Servers: Migrating from Alpha
- Migrating OpenVMS Storage Environments without Interruption/Disruption
- OpenVMS: A Solid Foundation for Accountability and Financial Integrity
The full abstracts and locations of these presentations can be found at:
Following the talks, the final slides from the presentations will be available through the above URL.
Speech at HP Technology Forum on OpenVMS Storage Migration
At the HP Technology Forum, Mr. Gezelter will present
Migrating OpenVMS Storage Environments without
Interruption/Disruption. Following the talk, the final slides from this presentation will be available through
our www site at: publishes OpenVMS Consultant article on File Transfer Technical Alternatives published ftp and sneakernet Are Not Your Only Options on July 9, 2005. Intersystem file
transfers are a fact of life. Often, ftp is the only file transfer option considered. However, C-Kermit and
DECnet file transfer options provide benefits and flexibility that are not available using the Internet’s FTP,
or the alternative of media transfer.
This column can be accessed via our publications page at:
IEEE Computer Society Distinguished Visitor Program sponsors presentations in Vermont
Several IEEE Computer Society student chapters in Vermont have
jointly requested presentations during the week of September 26-30, 2005.
The exact times and locations are pending.
The full abstracts along with the exact times and locations of this series of presentations will be posted on
as they become available. Following the talk, the slides from the
presentations will be available through our
presentations page.
A description of the IEEE Computer Society’s Distinguished Visitor program can be found in
Volume 1, Number 1 of the TechnicalCounsel(SM) News.
Soon to be Published Handbook of Information Security Features
Internet E-Mail Architecture and OpenVMS Security Chapters Authored
by Mr. Gezelter
The Handbook of Information Security, to be released in Winter 2005 by
John Wiley & Sons, features two
chapters by Mr. Gezelter. Both chapters are intended to be suitable for CxO level discussions of Information
The Internet E-Mail Architecture chapter details the evolution of e-mail technology from its origins as a
descendant of commercial and military telegraphy to the current interconnected worldwide internet. The
emphasis is on the different threads which contributed to modern electronic mail.
The OpenVMS Security chapter reviews the structure of OpenVMS and how its structure contributes to its
ability to create a high integrity, high security environment for corporate computing.
The full Table of Contents for the Handbook and information about Wiley’s substantial pre-publication
discount is offered in their brochure. Additional information:
Serverwatch and Datamation articles quote Mr. Gezelter
On July 5, 2005 Serverwatch cited Mr. Gezelter on the convergence between desktop computing and
enterprise-class servers. On July 1, 2005, Datamation cited Mr. Gezelter on the advantages provided by the
unique capabilities of the DECnet protocol suite. The full text of these articles can be reached via our
citations page.
Upcoming News
Future IEEE-sponsored Speeches
Mr. Gezelter is in discussion with several IEEE chapters throughout North America concerning presentations
under the auspices of
the Computer Society's Distinguished Visitor's Program.
As scheduling arrangements are finalized, we will keep our readers advised.
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Robert Gezelter Software Consultant, All Rights Reserved. |
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